Visiting the Tjong A Fie’s Mansion, Medan (棉蘭 張亞輝古居)

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“NEET”一族 毕业“啃”父母 长大不成人

“NEET"发源于上个世纪80年代的英国,是"Not in Education, Employment or Training"的缩写,指既没有就学,也没有工作或接受职业技能培训,而是必须依靠家人生活的青年人。调查显示,我国目前有七成的失业青年靠父母抚养,成为寄生家里的"NEET"或"啃老"一族。在失业青年家庭中,平均每个家庭负担1.2个失业者。其中,高学历、高知识型的"NEET"一族也为数不少。高校毕业生"NEET"族的涌现,引发了教育界和其他众多热心人士的担忧。





















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不上学 不工作 — 日本出现“NEET”一族

新华网北京1月4日电 在日本,很多年轻人出于各种原因,即不上学也不工作,也不出去接受任何职业培训,而是选择呆在家中,并且这种现象大有愈演愈烈之势。究竟是什么原因促使他们作出上述选择,他们的生存状况如何?此间最新一期《环球》杂志刊载题为《寻求自立的“败家子儿”》的文章,介绍了这方面的情况,现将文章摘发如下:

“他们不是自由职业者,他们也不是失业者,他们是— NEET。”这段话出现在一本近期在日本备受关注的社会学著作《NEET》的封面上。


NEET(即Not in Education,Employment or Training的缩写),一个新鲜的英语单词,被引入日本,专指既没有在上学或工作,也没有在接受任何职业培训的人。他们可主要分为以下4种类型:












NEET的形成不能简单地归结为个体行为,不是在人生观和性格形成过程中独立于社会产生的。 虽然NEET几乎不接触社会,但正是社会、政治、经济、文化对他们所产生的影响造成他们远离社会的。人口结构老龄化问题以及经济不景气,在NEET人群增长过程中,起到了相当重要的作用。










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Sun rises on another epic historical drama

(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-05-26 11:36

Sun Honglei, who made his name playing an artist in Forever Enthralled (Mei Lanfang) and then a spy in Lurk (Qianfu), challenges himself yet again in a major new TV series.

Set from 1925 to 1949, The Road We Have Taken (Renjian Zhengdao Shi Cangsang) focuses on three children of a big family and their search for a political path in the chaos of 20th century China. Their life is set against a number of significant historic events, such as the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45) and the foundation of the People’s Republic of China.

Sun plays the lead role, the youngest son named Yang Liqing. He is a gangster-turned Nationalist who eventually finds his true calling in Communism.

To create convincing war scenes, director Zhang Li hired the same Korean special effects team that worked on Feng Xiaogang’s The Assembly (Jijie Hao), China’s top-earning movie of 2007.

Costing 50 million yuan ($7.3 million), the daily show has a huge cast of 350 and will be broadcast on CCTV 8 from next Tuesday, repeated on CCTV 1 from the next day.

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Close-up of ‘Four Generations Living Together’ Remake

The first episode of ‘Four Generations Living Together‘ aired on CCTV Tuesday night, giving a first glimpse into the highly anticipated 36-episode remake of the late, great Chinese writer Lao She‘s classic novel.

Poster of the new version of ‘Four Generations Living Together’

Invading Japanese troops entering China’s ancient capital of Peking (now Beijing). Laid-back citizens, confined in their courtyards and hanging the sun flag of Japan while dreaming of peace’s return…

The first episode of ‘Four Generations Living Together‘ aired on CCTV Tuesday night, giving a first glimpse into the highly anticipated 36-episode remake of the late, great Chinese writer Lao She‘s classic novel.

The story portrays life in Peking during the Japanese occupation through the stories of people from across the social spectrum. At the heart of the story is the Qi family, with four generations living together in a traditional Beijing courtyard home.

It may be too early to judge the cast’s performance based on only the very beginning of the story and character development, but comments and critiques from the audiences had already surfaced by the next day.’s latest online survey scoring the performances of the leading actors shows Zeng Jing, playing Elder Qi, and Zhao Baogang, portraying Guan Xiaohe, taking the lead in the ranking; followed by Huang Lei as Rui Xuan, the eldest son of the Qi family, Yuen Qiu as Da Chi Bao, and Jiang Qinqin as Yun Mei.

Huang Lei lost weight to better portray old-time intellectual Rui Xuan, a vulnerable but deeply ambitious character. Survey respondents approved his performance as very close to the original.

Jiang Qinqin‘s portrayal of Rui Xuan’s wife Yun Mei, a traditional Chinese woman who takes good care of her big family, didn’t measure up to expectations, some netizens said. However, the character of Yun Mei is conservative at the beginning, and viewers may yet get a better performance as the story develops.

Zhao Baogang is definitely a highlight. Reprising the drama 25 years later, actor-director Zhao does his best to infuse life into the character. His scenes in the first episode vividly convey the image of hypocritical and cheeky villain ‘Guan Xiaohe.’

Hong Kong actress Yuen Qiu also gave a striking performance in the signature role of Guan’s wife, Da Chi Bao, a tough and shrewd woman. Yuen Qiu made the most of this rich role by exaggerating her acting at times.

The remake’s theme song also made an impact with its strong opera style. ‘Chong Zhen He Shan Dai Hou Sheng,’ literally, “counting on the younger generation to revitalize the nation," is chanted by Class-A Peking opera actor Yu Kuizhi. It’s quite different from the rhythm in the previous Jingyun Dagu version by late female artist Luo Yusheng, which featured storytelling in the Beijing dialect accompanied by drum beats and two or three three-stringed instruments.

“The words are sung with complicated emotions aroused by family hatred as well as its call for vengeance against Japanese invasion in the play," Yu Kuizhi said. He added that he hoped the song, which is low-toned and moving, expressing plaintive sorrow and profound resentment, would touch the audience.

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Four Generations under one roof

Four Generations under One Roof, an adaptation of Chinese notable late writer Lao She’s novel is very famous in China mainland. I haven’t read too much of original novel and also didn’t watch 1983’s version while I was in childhood.


The newly coming drama TV series, based on Chinese notable late writer Lao She‘s novel of the same title, the re-made version stars a powerful cast including director Wang Jun, leading actors Huang Lei and Jiang Qinqin.


Set against the backdrop of Japanese army’s invasion, it provides an insight into the life of Peiping (Peking) during the eight years of Japanese Occupation, which is epitomized into the life of a group of people with Qi family as the focus dwelling in the city’s traditional courtyards in a lane.


Normally, the official press proud said, within the Chinese literature of the war of Sino-Japanese war, which is peopled by heroic fighters and guerrilla underground. Lao She’s novel about the virtues and weakness of ordinary Chinese living under Japanese occupation stands alone. The documents evolving consciousness of national identity and resistances through each stage of  the conflict.


The most deeply attracted to the role is villain, when Peiping was under Japanese Occupation, many people abetted by plump, selfish, and luxury-living, seeks a lucrative post in the puppet government.


The worth of this novel, is Lao She’s last novel he wrote before he declared his allegiance to Communist China, it is still not clearly to indicates any radical thinking on revolution or revolutionary ideology. But the 2009 version TV series, director Wang Jun was confident to bring a completely different version. In his opinion, people would read the novel from a different perspective in different times. Many roles in series became CP guerrilla underground, but original book didn’t indicate whether CP or KMT. That was a great extent the result CPC, had assiduously built up a patriotic intelligentsia desirous of the nation.


The novel serve as witness to the spirit of hope in a people possessing “tremendous reserves of energy,” a people yearning to transform China into “the most cultured and civilized country in the world-powerful peace-loving.”


As far as psychological tensions were concerned, the dichotomy between filial piety and patriotism, should one stay under the Japanese to serve the aging parents or leave them to die and go to join resistance movement, that’s an ideal set-up which Lao She could use to show the strength of traditional and distress cause.


After finishing watch TV series, we know that, Chinese feudalistic thinking, which encourages people to become a high official but at the same time to remain a contented slave, Chinese educational system and methods, and Chinese habit of seeking shameful security at whatever cost-all these are hereditary national diseases. During times of peace these disease have made Chinese history colorless and dull; time crawled on like and old cow and Chinese can boast of very few inventions and contributions which have illumined the world. But when China faces a danger or crisis, these diseases break loose like tertiary syphilis.  

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Love in a Fallen City premieres

Love in a Fallen City, changed from famous writer Eileen Chang’s novel, is to premiere at CCTV8 tonight, which tells a story about a profound love story happens in 1930’s Shanghai and Hong Kong. Popular and skilled actor Huang Jue and actress Chen Shu are in the leading roles, Chen Shu will challenge the classic character of Eileen Chang, Bai Liusu.

Love in a Fallen City is not the favorite of Eileen Chang but the favorite of Chen Shu. After reading the novel in 2002, Chen liked it so much. Chen Shu knows that there are a lot of Eileen Chang’s fans in China, she’s willing to listen the opinions on her performance from them.

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当时,艺术家与设计师们利用废弃的工业厂房,从中分隔出居住、工作、社交、娱乐、 收藏等各种空间,在空旷的厂房里,他们构造各种生活方式,创作行为艺术,或者办作品展。他们把一层临街的房间改造成商店,出售自己的作品。因为没有多余的 钱去装修如此巨大的房间,于是这种工业建筑本身的特征被充分地裸露在外面,与橱窗和商品之间产生了巨大的视觉反差,这种视觉矛盾产生了令人好奇的效果。


在我国,北京的798艺术区,昆明的创库,上海的田子坊、M50,杭州的LOFT49等都是有名的LOFT艺术区。 (肖导)

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Screen adoptions of novels


04-20-2009 09:12

Screen adaptations of novels often have mixed fortunes…with many turning out to be a huge success, or a dismal failure. One successful example is the latest Oscar winning film, “Slumdog Millionare". In today’s “Spotlight", we take a look at some screen adaptations, both at home and abroad.

In China, the novel “Summer of Foam" is being made into a TV series and shooting has just begun. The lead roles are played by stars Huang Xiaoming, He Rundong, Barbie Hsu, and Ying Tsai-ling. Lead actor He Rundong, who is also the series’ producer, says they are being very careful about adapting the novel into a TV series. They have chosen quality stars who appeal to a young audience.

TV series "Love in a Fallen City", adapted from late writer Eileen Chang's famous novel, features actress Chen Shu as the heroine.
TV series “Love in a Fallen City", adapted from late writer Eileen
Chang’s famous novel, features actress Chen Shu as the heroine.

Producer He Rundong said, “I persuaded Ming Xiaoxi, the writer of the original novel for two months, letting her to sell the adaptation rights to me. Now, you see our cast is very powerful, so I believe the series will be a success."

Another two screen adaptations in China are using stars to boost their image. The film “Night Rose" was adapted from Taiwan writer Cai Zhiheng’s novel of the same name. It stars Ruby Lin and Wallace Chung. Another TV series “Love in a Fallen City", adapted from late writer Eileen Chang’s famous novel, features actress Chen Shu as the heroine. Chen rose to fame by playing a mathematician in the hit TV series “Calculation". The novel is a classic in the eyes of many readers. Chen has done a lot of preparation for her role, hoping she can satisfy fans’ expectations.

The most successful adaptation of the year arguably goes to “Slumdog Millionare". It met Chinese audiences within the shortest time of all imported films, after its foreign premiere. It garnered eight Academy awards at this year’s Oscars.

e film, directed by an Englishman, and focusing on Indian society, tells a moving rags-to-riches tale of Jamal, and his unflinching pursuit of true love. The film won Best Adapted Screenplay at the Oscars and the British Academy of Film Awards. Director Danny Boyle says it was thanks to a good story.

But a good story doesn’t always lead to a good film. “Dragon Ball" has been rated by the fans of the original novel as the worst adaptation of the year. The cartoon novel, illustrated by cartoonist Toriyama Akira, has large fan base across the Asia, so fans had high expectations. But the film didn’t satisfy the novel’s readers. Even the lead actor Chow Yun-fat was not confident about the production upon the film’s release.

"Dragon Ball"
“Dragon Ball"

Actor Chow Yun-fat said, “The director told me to forget the cartoon image, and follow my pace. So I followed him. Every one of my moves was directed by him."

Due to a big departure in the look of the roles, in the plot, and in the action moves compared to those depicted in the novel, the film “Dragon Ball" turned out to be a failure.

Audiences are also expecting more adaptations of novels, like “Harry Potter and the Half-blooded Prince" and “Astro Boy". Fans of the novels are waiting to see if the visual story can make their idols really come to life.

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